Sunday, March 16, 2008

i hope you know you are loved.

we lost an amazing friend this weekend. logan we will always remember those blue eyes, your amazing sense of humor, and your happy, bright face. you are our friend, forever.

Monday, March 10, 2008


TWO of my images made it into silverworks!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Dolce & Gabbana Kids!?

awesome web design. awesome photos. A+!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


what better to relieve a stressful day?

Photo by E

my house smells so good!!!

Photo by E

there goes my diet....

Photo by E


Photos by Autumn DeWilde

These are lovely. Exactly what I want to do for my last fashion story. Kids in grown-up clothes. I just need to find one or two older children who are (cough) moderately well-behaved. And clothes. Oh, geez, I have a lot of work to do in just a few days. How exciting though?! I think you can REALLY know you are doing the right thing when you are 100% stressed out, but your excitement totally outweighs the stress.

Below is another by the amazing Autumn Dewilde. These are pretty elaborate, but still amazing.

photo by Autumn DeWilde

I hope this works!

Monday, March 3, 2008

sleeping beauty

my dog is laying here next to me sleeping and i am no where near a camera. i know that as soon as i stand up to get a camera, she will move and the moment will be lost. shes cuddled up on matt's little mermaid blanket with her paw under her face and she looks beautiful. i guess this could be classified as 2 things: a moment lost for everyone reading this, and a moment that only i will love and cherish forever.

below are some pictures that i took of her earlier today. they aren't great artistic shots, but they still really capture Marley. Enjoy, as this is as good as its going to get to what I'm watching right now.

spontaneous is our middle name.

photo by E

my roommate and I haven't spent much time together in the past quarter and a half, for various reasons. Like I mentioned in my post yesterday, we spent a while together this weekend. Last night, we had both finished our homework, had nothing to really do for our organizations, and decided to go see a movie. At 9:20, we decided to go to the 9:30 showing of Juno. We got there only about 5 minutes late, but it turned out that we were the ONLY people in the theatre, so we didn't miss a thing (and got a private showing of Juno!)

you have to love spontaneous movie nights!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


This weekend was awesome.

Thursday night, Katy, Jake, and I went to Loco's for dinner. We just really had a good time being TOGETHER. We laughed so much, more then I've laughed in a long time.

photo by E

Then, Saturday night, Katy and I were invited to be VIP guests at the Fashion Haus "Wonderland" Fashion show. We got front row seats that were (oh-so-typically) labeled with the title "STUDENT INVOLVEMENT OFFICE". The show was pretty fantastic, the set design was AWESOME, with lots of fabric and a circular runway. The garments were a little costume-y and some were pretty tacky, but there were also some really fabulous ones. Hair and make-up wasn't great, but I did like one girl who had an ice cream cone on her head and looked like a big bowl of rainbow sherbert. My favorites were the gowns, themed like the evil queen in Alice and Wonderland.

Pretty amazing.

Photo by E