Tuesday, April 22, 2008

you'll be on my mind

A few days ago, I looked through all of your photos on facebook and trying really hard to hang on to every memory I have of you. I came across this photo:

and, just like when you were here with us, you made me smile so big. I've seen this photo so many times, but this time, I noticed something different. Call me crazy, but seeing you in a Brandon Clark t-shirt really made my day. I realized that you and I shared something on Earth that I didn't really know we did. I showed this picture to Brandon, and it did the same for him. I hope you know that we think about you every day, we talk to you and I hope you hear it. Although you are gone for now, we are still learning things about you from the stories that we tell to each other. I know that you are making the world sunnier from heaven, and we're keeping it clean here on Earth, just like you want it to be. We love you, Logan. Happy 19th Birthday, friend.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

follow your heart.

Photo by E

This is the loneliest of times for a human, I think. This is also the time that humans CHOOSE to be lonely, which I think is the hardest part of the story. This is the time where you have to decide where your life is going to lead you. One of the only chances you really have to "start over". In a month, I graduate from SCAD. I, for the most part, can pack my things and move ANYWHERE I want. Obviously, having the means to pay my rent and (eek!) my student loans is going to limit me to where I end up, but that is only a small piece of the puzzle. Do I want to migrate with my friends? How far from my family should I be? There are a million questions to consider, and there are not a million days to decide.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Photo by E
My room is clean. And it feels glorious. There is really nothing better then coming home to a clean, organized, sweet smelling room. Having this new computer has changed my life, no matter how crazy how it sounds. I sit at my desk and do HOMEwork at HOME now, instead of Bergan. Marley likes having me home, although I think she's just excited its warm enough to open the windows again. Fresh air, fresh room. Love.

Photo by E
I also got a chance to hear B. Clark and the Justice today at band practice, and they are moving along quite well. I can't believe how far they have gone already. I remember the very first time I ever saw Brandon play (the first time i met him!). I knew he was great then, but he doesn't even sound like the same person any more. I love being proud of my friends, and seeing them truly happy.

We also did a celebrity shoot, which didn't turn out quite how i had hoped, but I got some good shots. The McLovin shot was the best of the celebrities, but I'm quite fond of this shot. He was supposed to be John Mayer, but the shot is pretty cool regardless of his similarities to the man himself.

Photo by E

Monday, April 7, 2008

shooting the dog

Photo by E
calm down, calm down. puppy photo shoot, no guns in this house.

busy busy

I have been so busy, sadly, too busy for my blog.

But no longer!

...Well...I'm still busy. However, my blog will not die.

My friends left for the whole weekend this past weekend and I realized how hard it is really going to be to leave them after we all graduate.

Another factor playing into my neglect of this blog has been my lack of a computer. Good news:

My brand new beautiful Macbook Pro came in the mail on Friday, and I am currently connected to the real world 24-7. It's glorious.

this will happen more i swear.