a good friend of mine posted a blog today and i really cant put it better then he did:
"This summer feels like one giant broken plan.
I realize that it's a rare thing in life when things go as they are planned, but when things don't go through now, things feel so uncertain. Maybe it's because I'm getting a taste of the real world. College seemed like a safety net -- No matter how long the summer seemed, whatever job I had, whatever songs I was writing; I knew that when September rolled around, only so many decisions needed to be made. I was locked into the college mindset. No plans for my destiny needed to be made yet -- and so I never wondered if I was making the wrong decisions or not. Even then the wrong decisions didn't warrant such uncertainty.
Things are just a little more uncertain these days, and it's disheartening when the plans you make don't turn out the way you hoped. I know that's nothing new, but for some reason it feels different now." -Brandon Clark
I'm excited and scared. Happy and on the verge of tears. I'm just ready to know where i'm going from here. Can't we just go back to this: