Sunday, August 31, 2008


found this on
THIS is the room i want to have when i get to ____________.

if anyone wants to donate, email me at :)


Saturday, August 30, 2008 i took some photos, too :)

funny how a $15 pair of shades can totally change someone's attitude.
i've jokingly/seriously titled this image "The Birth of Cool".
he's always been cool, but i can tell those shades make him FEEL cool.

your southern sun smile

born in annapolis.
schooled in north carolina.
(inter)nationally traveled.
georgia girl where it counts. <3

after spending 3 nights back in Georgia, I realized how much happier I am there. its been fun living back home with my parents, but i've left the nest already, and it's terrible having to re-adjust. i'm ready to be back in my "home"state, back with the friends that I miss so much.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

a dream come true

sometimes dreams are scary. but sometimes, that makes it better.

maybe things dont go as planned for a reason :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Pete Wentz posted this on his blog:


and i agree. tom conrad really is my hero. i'm going to have to say that hes my favorite contemporary photographer.