Sunday, November 23, 2008


So I'm headed to New York on the 30th, which is a bit sudden, but very exciting. This past weekend, I had some friends come through Atlanta on their way from SCAD back to their respective homes. I got the opportunity to take some portraits of my very good friend Jon and his friend Chris. Below are a few of the shots of Jon that I've worked on so far. More shots, including the shots of Chris. Enjoy this little taste :)

photos by E

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Copeland and Lovedrug 11.20.08

i had the wonderful opportunity to shoot Copeland and Lovedrug this past weekend. a big thank you to Jim, the manager of the band Lydia, who we sadly only got to hear from outside while we waited on the people at the box office to find our passes. i've been a huge fan of Copeland since the beginning of high school, and i've seen them live a few times. it really was an honor to shoot them. here is a handful of the images i took:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hit The Lights, Cobra Starship, Forever the Sickest Kids

my favorite assistant :) Kaylan Hufham.

the security guys on stage ruled.

all photos by E

Monday, November 10, 2008

just sayin...

watching them the last week or so...i really think michelle obama has the potential to be our generation's jackie kennedy. classy, educated, opinionated, beautiful, and inspirational. SHE should be president...

vote to prohibit divorce! :D

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Thursday, November 6, 2008

O-h baby.

I drove all the way from Atlanta to NC to cast my vote yesterday, and here I am laying in my old bed in my parents house realizing i have to be up in 4 hours to drive home and then maybe even work till close. It feels good though. What a story to tell.

anyway, while i was home today, i scanned in some photos of my former self. enjoy a good laugh at my expense:

and also my favorite photos of my parents. they're beautiful <3

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


sometimes i forget that saying things like "did you get to shoot him or did he just come over and get coffee" has a totally different meaning to strange people in the mall elevator who don know you are a photographer.

...and other times it's just fun to freak people out.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

oh take it all away, i don't feel it anymore

today on the way home, i found myself really in tune with all of my senses.

i rolled down the windows and felt the cold, cold air.
i heard the cars racing by fight the sound of William Fitzsimmons on my stereo.
i saw the Atlanta skyline, the street lights, the headlights, the beautiful couples in scarves and coats holding hands and being in love on the sidewalk.
i tasted the frosty air.
i smelled fall. i love fall.

photo by E (photobooth!)
new hat. new smile. this is my favorite time of year.
how did i ever survive without the skyline?