I got to go down to Savannah, Georgia to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with some of my very best friends in the world last week. They all pitched in money and got me a plane ticket, and I can honestly not thank all of them enough. Mark, Kaylan, Jon, Morgan, and everyone else who did anything to make this trip possible/wonderful, THANK YOU. Also, my bff Brooke took the trip, so I had the best traveling partner ever, and the trip went FLAWLESSLY. I miss Georgia, NYC is great but I have never really considered any where h-o-m-e like I do Georgia.
Anyway, on our last day in our favorite state, Brooke, Kaylan, and I drove from Savannah to Atlanta and had lunch and playtime with some great people, one of which was Mr. Matthew Clark. He's an aspiring bodybuilder, and I got to do a quick shoot with him, and just wanted to share some of the results with everyone. Enjoy!
photo by E