Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Matthew Clark

I got to go down to Savannah, Georgia to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with some of my very best friends in the world last week. They all pitched in money and got me a plane ticket, and I can honestly not thank all of them enough. Mark, Kaylan, Jon, Morgan, and everyone else who did anything to make this trip possible/wonderful, THANK YOU. Also, my bff Brooke took the trip, so I had the best traveling partner ever, and the trip went FLAWLESSLY. I miss Georgia, NYC is great but I have never really considered any where h-o-m-e like I do Georgia.

Anyway, on our last day in our favorite state, Brooke, Kaylan, and I drove from Savannah to Atlanta and had lunch and playtime with some great people, one of which was Mr. Matthew Clark. He's an aspiring bodybuilder, and I got to do a quick shoot with him, and just wanted to share some of the results with everyone. Enjoy!

photo by E

Thursday, March 12, 2009

we WONT stop believin'

photo by Mark R. Miller

Logan Felps: 4/22/89-3/13/08

You have taught me lessons I never wanted to learn, but had to.
You gave me friends I never would have had otherwise.
You changed all of our lives.
I would give it all up to have you back.
You made us better people.
You ARE an angel, and we know you're with us all the time.
And one day, we will all be back together again.

photo by E
we love you, logan. still.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lydia at Mercury Bar 3/5/09

I got the wonderful chance to shoot one of my current favorite bands, Lydia, at the Mercury Bar in Manhattan this past week (thanks to Celeste at Universal). I actually had photo passes to their show in Atlanta at the end of 2008 while they were on tour with Copeland and Lovedrug, but there was confusion about our passes at the box office and ended up missing their set. So, when I found out they were playing here in New York, I had to get a second chance.

I'm so glad I did.

Their music is just as beautiful live as it is in the studio. The band admitted (and apologized!) to being sick, but had they not said anything we would have never noticed. The band, which consists of a few mellow, low key guys, a few high energy rockers, and an equally beautiful and talented female keyboard player, made the early show rock just as hard as any other Mercury bar show. The only disappointing part of the show was realizing how much I missed NOT seeing them in Atlanta. I would love to keep shooting Lydia in the future, they made for some good shots for sure. The entire collection will be posted on my myspace, and Lydia can be found here, and they are very much worth the click.

all photos by E

Friday, March 6, 2009

sneak peek: Lydia

just one for tonight, more later :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


this was my night. william fitzsimmons played at his new(ish) label, Downtown Records, for about 25 people, 1 of them being me. It was wonderful. his music/voice is beautiful. tommorrow i'm photographing Lydia and then this weekend, Ari Hest. stay tuned :)
