Sunday, April 19, 2009

William Fitzsimmons and Rosi Golan at the Canal Room 4/17/2009

It is ALWAYS a pleasure to be around William Fitzsimmons. I got to see him play with Rosi Golan this weekend, and there was no lack of excitement. Although William's music is VERY sad (but so amazingly beautiful), he is a HILAROUS guy. And all the divorce songs in the world couldn't get you down with that fantastic beard around :)

all photos by E

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good, Reckless, and True

Last night I got a second chance go to Mercury Lounge to shoot the Alternate Routes, a band managed by Brick Wall Management (where I am currently working). They are a great band, and last nights show was SO high energy. I dont know what it was, but they were really on their game last night. They were even better then a few months ago when they opened for Wertz. You will probably be able to see from the photos but the band AND the crowd seemed to have a great time, and it was a real blast.

all photos by E

Monday, April 6, 2009

we are simpler then the stars

I got the EXTREME honor of shooting the Sons of William/Slow Runner/Damnwells show this weekend. Honestly, The Damnwells are one of the top 5 best live bands I have ever seen. Their sound is so true to their album, but full and rockin all the same. They played a huge set list really late at night, but everyone stuck around to see them. Below are some of my favorite shots from the night, more will be myspaced/posted on my website I’m sure. I may also post some of my shots of SOW and Slow Runner when I’m finished editing.

all photos by E

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hell, I still love you, New York

photo by E

This photo pretty much sums up how I’ve been feeling lately, and how I’ve been feeling about NEW YORK lately. NY and I have had a bit of a falling out, but we’re starting to rekindle the flame. Sort of a love/hate relationship. Like, I love this city and hate the job market. haha. But just like Ryan Adams says, I’ll Always Love You, New York.