Thursday, February 21, 2008

b is right.

my friend brandon told me tonight that he thinks photographers need blog's to give people a little glimpse into our thought processes. he didn't even know i'd started this. even though this started out as a class assignment, i have a feeling this could benefit me in the future.

so, for the time being, i'm just going to use this as a place to store all things that inspire me, and hopefully, inspire you as well. i will post my own work, my friend's work, and just stuff i find along the way.

here are a few pictures from johnny cupcakes, a t-shirt designer out of boston who does some not-so-amateur photography on the side. this first picture especially makes me really compelled to carry a camera with me EVERYWHERE, no matter what. i had the pleasure of meeting him a few months ago and he was incredible and silly and some one who i've always wanted to be cool enough to be friends with. and let me brag and say that THIS last photo was on his website, taken from HIS camera, by YOURS TRUELY!

Photos by Johnny "Johnny Cupcakes" Earle

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