i miss them everyday. my parents, my baby brother, my aunts uncles cousins.
it's too bad we can't all live in the same place.
whatever happened to generations and generations of people all living in the same village together?
i guess we all have our own hopes and dreams, and sometimes those hopes and dreams take us far away from our family. thats the best thing about family though, they're never gone. you can be miles away and your family will always be there for you. i am truly truly blessed, because my family is the best in the world (maybe I'm biased, so sue me).

i've added some newly worked old photos from a trip I took down (now up?) to South Carolina with my parents and brother to visit my mom's side of the family. I gave the twins (Koulby and Jesse...the happiest, most polite, beautiful, wonderful boys I know) these huge lollipops. They decided to toast to who knows what, yelled "cheers!" and slammed their lollipops together. Jesse's shattered all over the place, and instead of going into a 5-year-old style temper tantrum (which would have been appropriate considering he's 5-years-old) he picked up the pieces, put them in a cup, smiled and said "its easier to eat this way anyway!" I love them :)