Saturday, October 25, 2008


this dog loves her rope. any rope really. but mostly, this one.

all photos by E

the next Rowlf

photos by E

Who could ever be lonely with this in the house 24-7?

Sometimes I wish I could live the life that marley leads: sitting in the sunshine, someone who loves me unconditionally always playing with my hair (or fur in her case), taking me to the park and snuggling at night. well, i guess i do get the snuggling at night part, since she and i are splitting the air mattress for the time being. This dog has got it good, for sure.

I've (in my sleepy state) decided that if I could teach Mars anything, it wouldn't be to stay (haha tried that) or roll over or play dead...I wish I could teach her to play piano. how sweet would that be? Jim Henson eat your heart out, shes not even a puppet. I'd teach her to play Tiny Dancer first thing.

Either way, she couldn't be any better. (Wo)man's best friend, for SURE.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

when green meets red, and red meets blue

Apologies for the blurry pics above, but it was taken with a camera phone :) Brandon and I sold merch for Matt Wertz and Andy Davis last night at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, GA. Pretty exciting. Both are VERY VERY talented, down to earth musicians and the show was a BLAST. We got to meet up with both of them after the show and they were very appreciative, and Matt Wertz even hooked us up with some free super-extra-soft t-shirts.

I spent the rest of the evening and also the majority of today catching up with Brandon Clark. I love spending time at the Clark house, having chats with mama clark and getting slobbered on by the biggest most (second to marley of course) Awesome dog, Kruz, and of course getting my own private Brandon Clark concert. He even played me a secret cover that made me smile extra big :)

photos by E

what a wonderful life!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Smith's Olde Bar

Smith's Olde Bar had their first "Night with the Judies" tonight, and it was actually pretty fun! The Judies might sound like a 50s girl group, but they were actually a lively (or maybe just drunk) and entertaining group with a pretty nice sound. I wouldn't mind shooting these guys in the studio, they seem like a lot of fun...

This guy told told us about getting held at gun point last night, pretty scary stuff for sure.

Elli Perry...very sweet local girl with a nice voice. Everyone in the room seemed to be friends with her, shes a cool girl.

Jeremy Ezell, thanks to him for inviting Morgan and I to the show to take photos! Wonderful musician, loads of talent. Apologized to me for playing too much piano...someone tell this guy there is no such thing! :)

all photos by E

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

tell me does it move you...

Brandon showed me this photographer who is doing some great things. I especially love his "Days With My Father" series, it got me a bit choked up.

photos by Phillip Toledano
i cant imagine seeing my father, or anyone i love, in this mans position. this photo story is both beautiful and inspiring as well as sad and awful. I hope you can look past the sad story and really enjoy these beautiful photographs like I do.

check him out here

Monday, October 13, 2008


I just checked out the images of Angelina Jolie from this issue of W magazine. The images were taken by Brad Pitt, and they are absolutely breathtaking. She looks like a beautiful movie star from the 30's.

Below are my 2 favorite images, and a quote from a behind the scenes article that I loved.

photos by Brad Pitt

"Brad Pitt’s project for W actually sprang from a conversation W’s Creative Director Dennis Freedman had with another photographer, Bruce Weber. Freedman had been mulling over how to show anything new about one of the most photographed women in the world and Weber pointed out that, in his opinion, the best pictures of Elizabeth Taylor were taken by her third husband, Mike Todd."


take the walk

so its no secret that I'm the world's biggest Hanson fan, but aside from their beautiful music, they are supporting a great cause. They have already raised enough money to donate 50,000 pairs of shoes to Africa, and they haven't slowed down yet. I've taken the should too.

Follow Your Lead
The Walk

get involved!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

doawg pt. 3

Just as we thought our day was ending, we left Brokeback Mountain heading home, and we found a classic car show. I don't know what made us decide to stop off, but I'm so glad we did. We met a lot of really interesting people, and saw a lot of REALLY cool cars. I met one man who had houndstooth interior in his car who used to be a photographer, by far my favorite of the evening. I would love to take some photos of more of these cars, and Morgan and I even got some cool ideas to include them in some of our Music Promo work. Here are a few shots from the show tonight :) Hope you enjoyed this three-parter.

Houndstooth :)

I'm pretty sure my mom had a Mustang like this before I was born. White, though :)

Fake legs :) and saddle shoes.

I LOVED this car.

I agree :)

all photos by E

What a wonderful day <3

doawg pt. 2

On to part two of our adventures :)

So after leaving Marietta Square, Morgan and I decided to explore a big mountain a few blocks from our house that we so lovingly have nicknamed "Brokeback Mountain". We found some pretty interesting land marks, and apparently at least one Civil war battle was fought there. We also found a pretty strange farm with a wonderful variety of animals that Morgan and I starting calling "doawgs" (dog, NY style :) of course).

Morgan loved his mini-horse :)

all photos by E

Saturday, October 11, 2008

doawg pt. 1

My roommate had the day off of work, so we decided to explore Marietta. I took over 400 images today, so i broke our journey up into 3 parts as to not overwhelm you with photos. Part one starts off in Marietta square, where we took part in a scarecrow contest, ate Pizza at Marietta Pizza (yum!!), met a ton of awesome people, and enjoyed the beautiful fall weather.

This was our favorite scarecrow, clearly.

We met these ladies and the ones behind them at a pretty nice looking spot in Marietta, we plan to go back and eat there very soon. They just got their nails done, so take a moment to admire :)

THIS was the best pizza I have had. From Marietta Pizza in the square :)

all photos by E

Don't let him fool you. We were having a BLAST :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

my family

i miss them everyday. my parents, my baby brother, my aunts uncles cousins.
it's too bad we can't all live in the same place.
whatever happened to generations and generations of people all living in the same village together?
i guess we all have our own hopes and dreams, and sometimes those hopes and dreams take us far away from our family. thats the best thing about family though, they're never gone. you can be miles away and your family will always be there for you. i am truly truly blessed, because my family is the best in the world (maybe I'm biased, so sue me).

i've added some newly worked old photos from a trip I took down (now up?) to South Carolina with my parents and brother to visit my mom's side of the family. I gave the twins (Koulby and Jesse...the happiest, most polite, beautiful, wonderful boys I know) these huge lollipops. They decided to toast to who knows what, yelled "cheers!" and slammed their lollipops together. Jesse's shattered all over the place, and instead of going into a 5-year-old style temper tantrum (which would have been appropriate considering he's 5-years-old) he picked up the pieces, put them in a cup, smiled and said "its easier to eat this way anyway!" I love them :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the (A)dventures in the (A)

Yesterday was quite an adventure. My roommate and I took off to downtown Atlanta to photograph HANSON...and sadly...we missed them :\

So after a lot of sulking and moodiness, Morgan helped me turn that frown upside down and we had a BLAST marching up and down the sidewalks of downtown Atlanta on a photo adventure like none other. Peachtree St. was exciting as always, and we even had a little fun in the Westin hotel:

And then...before we left we decided to swing by the Tabernacle to see if there was a good $10 show or something, or even a person working we could pass our information by to set up some sweet shoots, and who did we find? Gym Class Heroes!

all photos by E
I've seen these guys live a few dozen times in the last 5 years, and they have really gone a long way since Kari, Genevieve and I saw them in Jacksonville opening up for like, 4 other bands. I've talked to a couple of them in the past and they really are genuine and cool guys, with no rock star egos. No matter how long it has been since I've seen them, they always remember me, and I think that really shows how loyal they are to their fans. I see great things for them in the future, and its only up from here. :)

Until next time...


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

there are certain season where you are more prone to having a "relationship" .*

This is the perfect day to be in love.

*loosely quoted from Brandon D. Clark's thesis on Love & The Seasons

Manchester Orchestra and Counterfeit Mistress

a good friend of mine called me up today and said his friend, Dan, was over at a studio recording the up and coming band Manchester Orchestra and asked me to come along and take some shots for them. and of course, i can't turn down a little in studio shooting :) the guys in the band were a bit shy and didn't want to be photographed much, but we got some pretty exciting shots of Dan and the one really plucky member of the group. here are just a few samples from the time i spent with them. also, check for a new site for Dan's studio, Counterfeit Mistress, done by Big Akita, the same group that put my site together :) some of my photos may be featured on the site, too.

all photos by E