Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Smith's Olde Bar

Smith's Olde Bar had their first "Night with the Judies" tonight, and it was actually pretty fun! The Judies might sound like a 50s girl group, but they were actually a lively (or maybe just drunk) and entertaining group with a pretty nice sound. I wouldn't mind shooting these guys in the studio, they seem like a lot of fun...

This guy told told us about getting held at gun point last night, pretty scary stuff for sure.

Elli Perry...very sweet local girl with a nice voice. Everyone in the room seemed to be friends with her, shes a cool girl.

Jeremy Ezell, thanks to him for inviting Morgan and I to the show to take photos! Wonderful musician, loads of talent. Apologized to me for playing too much piano...someone tell this guy there is no such thing! :)

all photos by E

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good good good......