Saturday, October 25, 2008

the next Rowlf

photos by E

Who could ever be lonely with this in the house 24-7?

Sometimes I wish I could live the life that marley leads: sitting in the sunshine, someone who loves me unconditionally always playing with my hair (or fur in her case), taking me to the park and snuggling at night. well, i guess i do get the snuggling at night part, since she and i are splitting the air mattress for the time being. This dog has got it good, for sure.

I've (in my sleepy state) decided that if I could teach Mars anything, it wouldn't be to stay (haha tried that) or roll over or play dead...I wish I could teach her to play piano. how sweet would that be? Jim Henson eat your heart out, shes not even a puppet. I'd teach her to play Tiny Dancer first thing.

Either way, she couldn't be any better. (Wo)man's best friend, for SURE.

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